Visions of Pastel

With every season that comes, the team at Elite Productions International takes it upon themselves to creatively challenge themselves with a distinctive, while aesthetically pleasing design concept for their showroom. This summer was no different - with a varied display of elements and an energetic color palette making quiet the statement. While most summer design tropes revolve around patriotic displays of "red, white, and blue" or more whimsical imagery like "pineapples" or "flamingos", Elite decided on a different approach. Pastels, according to CEO and Creative Director Lili Shadab, were the main inspiration behind the look: "Spring and Summer are a wonderful reminder of all things soft and pretty! The abundance of pink blossoms in spring and the aqua blue tones of ocean water in the summer are what inspired this season's direction. This palette makes me think of the fabulous designs of the Hotel Bel-Air in the 1970's - eve...